Our Impact

We organized dialogue forums, trainings/workshops, flash-mobs/petitions and partnerships with other human rights defenders which resulted into improved awareness on fundamental rights as enshrined in the Kenya constitution, knowledge in human rights advocacy and influenced activism for the Awer indigenous women’s rights to social acceptance, safety and free from violence.


Provided training and mentorships on human rights advocacy which has seen to benefit indigenous women and girls facing violence, stigma and discrimination from family members and the cultural body to which they belong. We have received backing from human rights defender organizations which have supported us financially and through capacity development to ensure that we are effective in indigenous rights programming and organization’s systems.

The organization implemented and achieved indigenous women livelihoods empowerment to  indigenous women through, training on coconut value addition, entrepreneurship development and advocacy. Indigenous women and girls benefited, new businesses were established and supported to grow. Organized radio advocacy and community outreaches through public

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Awer Women Empowerment stands up for the rights of indigenous women in Kenya who have experienced violence, be they victims of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and prostitution, forced marriage or other violence. We offer psychosocial care, organize medical or legal support, help in finding housing and jobs and vocational training.




Charo Wa Mae Road,Kilifi town, Kenya.

Phone: +254733373130

Awer Women Empowerment - © 2022. All Rights Reserved