Our Partners

We created partnerships with gatekeepers (chiefs and sub-county administrators) to provide security and mobilization of community members, County Government/local government authority to provide advisory services, church institutions to provide spiritual support and Community Groups and non-state partners for referrals of the project beneficiaries for other services.
We also reached out to political system including area member of county assembly and member of parliament to win over their support to ending violence against women and girls which is showing positive results.


The organization will engage stakeholders in planning meetings and quarterly feedback/review meetings of project activities and comment on whether the expected outputs/impacts are likely to be achieved if the same trend continues. The organization will participate in Sub National and National technical working groups on violence prevention and indigenous rights symposiums for dissemination of knowledge and learnings of the project.

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Awer Women Empowerment stands up for the rights of indigenous women in Kenya who have experienced violence, be they victims of human trafficking, sexual exploitation and prostitution, forced marriage or other violence. We offer psychosocial care, organize medical or legal support, help in finding housing and jobs and vocational training.




Charo Wa Mae Road,Kilifi town, Kenya.

Phone: +254733373130

Awer Women Empowerment - © 2022. All Rights Reserved